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I am currently working freelance as an international primary mathematics consultant. A great deal of my time recently has been spent writing materials and providing CPD to support teachers in remote areas of Africa. Working towards development of more engaging and inclusive lessons where resources are sparse has given me a fresh perspective on what is really important in the teaching and learning of numeracy. I am more convinced than ever that contextualised and connected learning can result in all learners gaining some degree of mastery in mathematics.


Previously, as a Senior Lecturer in Primary Mathematics at Oxford Brookes University, I enjoyed sharing my passion about enabling each child to reach their full potential in mathematics with students on the BA and PGCE primary education programmes. I also have the privilege of supporting in-service teachers through CPD provision.


With a specialism in Early Mathematical Intervention (Fully accredited Numbers Count Teacher), I am convinced that every child can attain some degree of mastery of the subject if they are able to make connections with meaningful contexts through which they can develop secure conceptual understanding. Currently I am engaged in research investigating the effectiveness of strategies supporting inclusion of mathematics throughout the curriculum, particularly through engagement with story books and the outdoor environment.


Having taught for a number of years in a variety of settings both in the UK and the USA, I have a significant bank of first-hand experience of effective teaching and learning on which to draw. However, I also ensure that I keep abreast of current research and government initiatives through membership of professional bodies such as the National Association of Maths Advisers and World Association of Lesson Study and engagement with current peer reviewed journals.

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